Did you ever notice dark spots on your teeth? These dark spots are the first Indications of emergency dental decay. Emergency tooth decay happens when harmful bacteria start to provide acids that destroy your dental crown. Remember that when dental decay occurs, you can’t treat it with regular brushing and flossing! As the research of an emergency dental clinic in Toronto shows, the most frequent dental emergency is dental cavities. You need to fill your intended teeth with dental fillings performed by a dental emergency expert. You might even require to renew that tooth with another one in some severe cases, like dental implants. The critical point is that you have to gain enough information about emergency dental decay to prevent this dental emergency from happening. Here are the most common reasons for dental cavities to make you aware of emergency dangers to your dental health.
Poor oral hygiene: it’s a usual belief that brushing and flossing every night before you go to sleep is enough to prevent dental emergencies like dental cavities. But you need to know if you want to protect your dental health, you should brush and floss your teeth immediately after you have your meal. Try to brush your teeth at least for three minutes to stay away from emergency dental cavities.
Tooth placement: you notice that cleaning your back teeth is more challenging than other ones. So dental cavities are most likely to happen for your back teeth compared to your front ones. Also, these back teeth include many different notches, grooves, and pits that cannot keep the pieces of food. These stuck foods provide an ideal situation for emergency dental cavities and, finally, emergency dental decay.
Dental plaque: the combination of dental plaque and sugary foods can result in emergency dental cavities by producing harmful acid. If you don’t act out for your dental plaques removal immediately, you probably will need to treat your emergency dental cavities after a while!
Severe enamel emergency issues: these enamel problems and deep crevices let harmful bacteria grow to cause dental emergencies. So if you suffer from deep dental cracks, the risk of facing emergency dental cavities is higher for you.
Lack of fluoride: usually, dental paste and mouthwashes contain a significant amount of fluoride. Fluoride is one of the most effective materials which can help prevent emergency dental cavities. Try to purchase dental products which hold the appropriate amount of fluoride.
Proper eating and drinking: your routine diet is one of the most notable factors in every dental emergency. Foods that hold a large number of carbohydrates will increase the chance of getting emergency dental cavities. Also, sticky and sugary foods like hard candy, taffy, and caramel easily create dental cavities. Don’t forget to use a toothbrush immediately if you consume any of those foods.
Dental emergencies always bring us demanding conditions and bad experiences, so as we all know, prevention is always better than cure. Learning about dental emergencies reasons greatly help you to decrease your chance of dental emergencies include dental cavities.