A Woman’s Guide To Healthy Vision

A Woman’s Guide To Healthy Vision

Did you know that women have a higher risk of developing eye conditions as compared to men? Women are found to be more vulnerable to certain vision problems.

If you are a woman, it’s crucial for you to schedule regular visits to your optometrist to keep a check on your eye health. Although you are far less likely than your male counterparts to sustain vision-threatening injuries over the course of your life, certain biological factors put you at a higher risk of vision loss.

The most common factors behind visual impairment are cataracts and age-related macular degeneration which are more likely to happen in women. The best way to fight  these conditions is to schedule regular eye exams and wear protective or corrective prescription glasses.

Let’s know what factors make you more vulnerable to vision problems.


44% of the diabteic population in the UK are women. Diabetes boosts your risk of contracting diabetic retinopathy which poses threat to your retinal cells and impairs your vision. Where this condition is not presented with any symptoms in the initial stage, it can cause blindness once it gets severe.

Autoimmune disease

Autoimmune diseases such as lupus, arthritis and multiple sclerosis are more common among women than they are among men. These diseases often lead to inflammation in the central part of your eyes. This inflammation destroys the delicate eye tissues and gives rise to an eye disease known as uveitis which causes blindness.

Breast cancer

Breast cancer treatment saves your life but it can also have various side effects on your eyes. They include:

  • Dry eyes
  • Blurry vision
  • Pink eyes
  • Itching in the eyes
  • Eye redness
  • Watery eyes

Not only this, some chemotherapy drugs work by suppressing your immune system which makes you more vulnerable to eye infections.

Dry eye syndrome

Dry eye syndrome occurs when the glands of your eyes become incapable of producing enough tears. The tear production makes your eyes more effective and helps them feel relaxed. In case of dry eye syndrome, you will experience irritation, redness and pain in your eyes.

This eye condition is shown to take effect from the event of menopause where women go through hormonal changes.

Screen time

No matter if you are a woman or man, blue light spares none. If you indulge in more than 6 hours of computer use on a daily basis, just know that your digital devices emit harmful blue wavelengths that penetrate your retina and wreak havoc.

One smart way to tackle this problem is to wear screen glasses so your eyes won’t wear themselves out when you are on a computer or laptop. It will also eliminate glare from your screens that hinders your vision.

When you spend prolonged periods of time digitally, you may develop cataracts or age-related macular degeneration. So don’t let your eyes stay unprotected when you are working on a screen. You can get protective glasses online and keep digital eye strain at bay.

Unattended refractive error

Most women get so busy in taking care of their families that they forget even the simplest and most crucial things such as an eye exam. They dismiss the vision changes as some temporary problem.

Your health is just as important as your family’s well-being. If you want to take good care of your loved ones, you are going to need good vision. Visit your eye doctor once every year and get your eyes examined. If they detect a refractive error, wear prescription glasses to correct it. If you want to save some money, you will find good-quality cheap glasses with online retailers.

What can you do?

When it comes to your annual physical exams, don’t let your eye health take a back seat. Do the following things to keep your peepers safe and sound.

  • Eat a healthy diet that is packed with the goodness of green leafy vegetables and fishes.
  • Practice some eye exercises whenever you feel eye pain or fatigue.
  • Use protective glasses to shield your eyes from the UV light and blue light.
  • When driving at night, make sure you have your night driving glasses on.
  • In case you are diabetic, keep your weight under check. Overweight diabetic people are more vulnerable to the complications of diabetes.
  • Have annual eye exams so any vision problem can be detected early.

Although you have a higher risk of developing eye disorders, it only takes some lifestyle changes and awareness to dodge even the most severe eye conditions.

In the United States, drug addiction affects 3 percent of women, and alcohol addiction affects 10.4%.Addiction is rarely just a problem with substance abuse for women and does not always occur in isolation.Addiction and the necessary treatments can be influenced by social, economic, and personal history.

Women with substance use disorders may face unique challenges and circumstances that can be addressed and assisted by treatment services.For women who abuse substances, developing individual treatment plans can be helpful and essential to achieving long-term recovery.

Abuse of drugs and women’s health Drug and alcohol abuse is not linked to good health in either gender.However, women are more likely than men to develop substance use disorders.Sadly, substance use disorder (SUD) affects 5.7% of women in the United States, and the number is rising worldwide6.

Although the physiological effects of legal and illegal substances on women have not been studied, certain substances can have negative effects9, according to research.The gastrointestinal, neuromuscular, and cardiac systems can be affected abnormally by stimulants, opioids, and prescription medications.Additionally, a woman’s menstrual cycle may be affected by these medications.

Find Recovery from Addiction Women face particular difficulties in overcoming substance use disorders and achieving recovery.Women’s bodies can react differently to alcohol and drugs, and they can become addicted more quickly than men.In order to maintain long-term recovery, women may require additional treatment options.

It will be beneficial to your overall health to seek treatment for yourself or a loved one as soon as possible.Start your recovery journey today at any of the below given recovery centers

IOP Illinois
Drug Inpatient program
Drug Rehab Center CA
Benzo Detox Program Houston
Rehab center Columbia MO